Guides, news and updates all in one
Why Netflix is getting into gaming
Why Netflix is getting into gaming
Movies inspired by video games
Movies inspired by video games
Making a game into a movie is not an easy task thus no wonder so few of them were actually good. It takes a lot of effort and experience to both create an entertaining movie and not disappoint the fans.
How to begin streaming
How to begin streaming
Streaming is one of the most popular forms of content thus, it is no wonder many are looking to begin streaming themselves. However, with a wide variety of platforms and ever-changing trends, there is no wonder that beginning live streaming can be an overwhelming challenge. 
Cheating in gaming
Cheating in gaming
Entering a cheat code into the game to unlock invincibility, obtain better weapons or infinite ammo – such cheat codes exist that the developers could allow players to skimp through unwanted levels or play the game differently. Yet such kind of cheating is not really considered cheating – but if the cheats are created by third parties and not permitted by game creators, the story is different.
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